When it comes to screen time...

About Phillip Telfer
Phillip Telfer has ministered to youth and families for over 25 years, sharing at camps, retreats, schools, conferences, and churches around the country. He is the director of the non-profit ministry Media Talk 101 and author of the book Media Choices: Convictions or Compromise? and the young adult novel Why Save Alexander. He wrote, produced, and co-directed the award-winning documentary Captivated: Finding Freedom in a Media Captive Culture, and founded the annual Christian Worldview Film Festival and Filmmakers Guild. Phillip loves Jesus, his family, and his local church. He’s finicky about coffee so he took up the hobby of home roasting and when he needs to unplug, he can be found in his workshop crafting things from wood. He and his wife Mary have been happily married for thirty-two years and are blessed with four wonderful children, a fantastic son-in-law, an amazing daughter-in-law, and three precious grandchildren.
- 19 Short Video Lessons
- For Ages 12 And Above
- Printable Follow-Along Notes
- Lesson Quizzes
- A Christian Worldview
- 9 Bonus Videos
- Certificate of Completion
Completing this course will help you...
- Identify common problems
- Discover helpful solutions
- Find balance and regain focus
- Handle technology with wisdom
- Grow closer to Christ
This course is FREE due to the donations of others who are paying it forward. This will cost you some well-spent time, some soul searching, and some good discussions with your family or friends. Please help others take this course for free by making a donation. DONATE HERE
WHo is this course for?
This course is geared for middle school and high school students but the material can be beneficial to young adults, parents, or teachers
Video Time: 8min Learn about the Screen Time 101 course
Video Length: 17min Media and entertainment are like combustible fuel that needs to be handled carefully
Video Length: 13min Why it is important to have value- based goals that will motivate you to make wise decisions about media, entertainment, and your use of technology.
Video Length: 18min We live in an all-you-can-eat media buffet culture, and we are piling a lot of content on our plates. Learn the importance of having a balanced media diet.
Video Length: 18min New technologies are both a blessing and a burden. It is easy to lose focus on what is important.
Video Length: 20min What does a dripping faucet and a smartphone have in common? What are some common problems that have become evident in our tech driven society?
VIDEO LENGTH: 16min How does our use of technology negatively affect our sleep and what are the consequences? Find out in this informative lesson.
VIDEO LENGTH: 11min This generation has access to some of the most powerful digital tools of any generation but what you do with these tools is up to you. Will you merely be a passive consumer or an active producer of good?
Video Length: 22min Learn about the difference between digital natives and digital immigrants. You’ll also learn about the inventions that led to the digital revolution and how quickly things have been changing.
Video Length: 17min A right worldview is important for making sense of the world. Unfortunately, one of the greatest influences on the worldviews of most teens is from media and entertainment which has resulted in a generation with blurry vision.
Video Length: 12min Poor entertainment choices can lead to becoming desensitized and numb. This causes you to be less discerning when it comes to content, which leads to increasing numbness. It’s a difficult cycle to break but there is hope of becoming re-sensitized.
Video Length: 20min In this lesson you’ll learn about the subject of media literacy and why it is important to understand the influence media and entertainment can have in your thoughts and actions.
Video Length: 21min You are faced with a personal battle that you may not be aware of. It is a spiritual battle, and you cannot afford to be ignorant of the tactics and weapons of the enemy.
Video Length: 22min Why is it important to gain wisdom and what does it have to do with media and entertainment? In this lesson you’ll learn how gain wisdom and the difference between knowledge and wisdom.
Video Length: 22min What is our default when we are bored? We tend to gravitate towards screen-based entertainment. Learn how you can battle boredom and the importance of understanding purpose in life.
Video Length: 18min Time is more valuable than tangible wealth. What does it mean when the Bible says we should redeem time? Learn about making the most of your elective time.
Video Length: 18min From the time we began our immersion into entertainment as toddlers, we have been bombarded with messages teaching us to “follow your heart.” Should we follow our heart? What does the Bible say about this subject?
Video Length: 23min Today, many people are escaping from reality to a life of virtual captivity, instead of escaping from bondage to freedom. Learn how to find freedom and stay free.